Scripture Reveals about God

There are so many things written in the Bible about God’s words. Bible is God’s word and Bible communicates God’s heart and His ways. It is Inspired, inerrant, infallible, invincible, and sufficient for life and relationship with God. It is eternal, true, and certain. God’s words call people and gives them instructions and invites them into relationship with Him.

Recently I had one of cool moment with God while I was praying for evangelism. I have been praying for 10 new Korean speaking students to be connected to disciple them. As I put signs up on campus and praying for people to see the signs, it darned on me that Jesus’ heart for the lost is bigger than my heart for the lost. In fact, Jesus is already and always seeking and saving the lost (Luke 19:10). This gave me so much confidence that Jesus was already working and so much peace that I am not responsible for how many people show up, but I must be faithful in God’s invitation for me. I just need to obey God.

I know that God is not telling me to do anything that He is not already doing. Even the evangelism, as Jesus is seeking and saving, He invites me to into His work. As I walked around the campus, I felt so much confidence and peace.

I will continue to pray for 10 new Korean speaking students to be connected and I will continue to do bible study with college students. Please pray for me. Thank you.