House Churches

What is House Church?

A house church is a small community that fulfills the fundamental purposes of a church, typically consisting of 6 to 12 people meeting in homes under the guidance of a lay-leader. Rooted in the practices of early Christians who gathered in their homes, house churches aim to create dynamic environments where discipleship and spiritual growth are prioritized. These gatherings reflect the essence of what Jesus envisioned for His church, emphasizing personal discipleship, communal living, and the spread of the gospel through authentic relationships.

House church ministries operate on four key pillars derived from the New Testament. These include the mission to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20), modeled after Jesus’ method of discipleship which focuses on experiential learning and leading by example (Mark 3:13-15). They uphold the biblical division of ministry, preparing all believers for service (Ephesians 4:11-13), and embrace servant leadership, where leaders prioritize serving others (Mark 10:42-45). These principles ensure that house churches remain true to the teachings of Jesus and the early apostles, fostering a vibrant, mission-driven community.

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