We are a multi-ethnic church made up of house churches located in San Luis Obispo, CA. We have both English and Korean house churches and Sunday services.
English Service: Sundays at 9:45 AM
Korean Service: Sundays at 11:15 AM
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House Church Ministry
The purpose of the House Church Ministry is to recover vitality of the first century church’s faith community. We emphasize on fulfilling the great commission (Matthew 28:19-20) of “saving the lost and making disciples of Jesus Christ”.
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Pastor’s Corner
Scripture Reveals about God
There are so many things written in the Bible about God’s words. Bible is God’s word and Bible communicates God’s heart and His ways. It is Inspired, inerrant, infallible, invincible, and sufficient for life and relationship with God. It is eternal, true, and certain. God’s words call people and gives them instructions and invites them…
GPS stand for Gospel Presentation Seminar. This is where I present the gospel for about 45 minutes to make sure they understand the gospel and give them the opportunity to respond to Jesus’ invitation to follow Him. It is always exciting to see what God would do during that time. Like 7 years ago, we…